On Wednesday the 2nd of December, 5/6C went on an excursion to Narrabri Lake to undertake research on bug life. This term we have been researching lifecycles of various bugs. We contacted Miss McCaffrey from CMA (Catchment Management Authority) in Tamworth. She explained the process for catching and identifying the bugs. It was difficult to catch and identify bugs because of the huge amount of mud in the water. The lake is very low which didn't help our research. Miss McCaffrey explained the best way to get bugs and the reasons why the only bugs we could find were Water
Boatmen. The Water Boatmen are very tolerant to difficult conditions and don't have gills, so the mud in the water did not effect their breathing as much as some of the other insects. This was a very good excursion and we learnt a lot. We would like to thank Mrs Davis for organising the excursion and Miss McCaffrey for coming from Tamworth to talk to us.