Year 6 students had a great time on their excursion to Canberra last week. Five very busy days saw our students visit the nation’s capital and experience many of the wonderful experiences such a visit offers.
Whilst in Canberra they enjoyed The National Museum, Parliament House (where they met Federal MP for Parkes Mr Mark Coulton), Electoral Education Centre (Old Parliament House), National Art Gallery (where they saw ‘Blue Poles’ and Monet’s ‘Water Lilies’), Questacon, Australian War Memorial, Australian Institute of Sport and Mt Ainslie Lookout. They also loved Ten-Pin Bowling and Laser Tag, which were new experiences for most of them.
They highlight of the trip however was undoubtedly the trip to Mount Kosciusko National Park to spend a day in the snow! After a visit to the Snowy Hydro Visitor Information Centre and a stop at the Ski Hut in Cooma to get their snow gear, they headed off to Smiggins Holes all rugged up and ready for what was to be for nearly all of them their first experience of snow. Fresh snow falls the night before meant a great snow experience, and the next five hours were spent building snowmen, throwing snowballs and sliding down the hill! All in all an excellent day and one we have no doubt the students will remember for many years.