2/3S have had a busy and productive start to the year. Our classroom is full of beautiful artwork. We have enjoyed learning about frogs and have had pet frogs in
our classroom. However, they are mysteriously disappearing each night - perhaps they are escape artists! We have made a frog PowerPoint and are looking forward to showing parents during 3 way interviews later this term. We are getting ready to write our own information report on endangered animals and have been busy learning what it means to be in danger and how we can help to protect our wildlife. 
On Shrove Tuesday 2/3S made pancakes with 1/2M. They were very yummy and some students made pancakes at home using Mrs Smith's secret recipe!
On Shrove Tuesday 2/3S made pancakes with 1/2M. They were very yummy and some students made pancakes at home using Mrs Smith's secret recipe!