On the 7th of April, 2009 3/4W started to grow some Weeping Red Bottle Brush plants. First we needed an eighth of a piece of newspaper to squash down the bottom of the little tubes. Secondly, we went outside and put dirt in the pots. Following that, we put the pots under the sprinkler so they could be moistened ready for the seeds.
The following day, we planted 135 seeds in the pots. We got the seeds from the Tankaday Challenge. Hopefully they will germinate in 21-28 days. But we don’t expect them all to grow. If we have enough we will be able to take some home or maybe sell at the Fete. Most of them will be planted in the school. We had lots of fun doing it and are keeping our fingers crossed for a good result! If they germinate, they will grow to about 5 metres high and will attract birds. This term we will be looking at seeds and the growth of plants. Already Mrs. Woolford has organised for us to grow a mini vegetable garden near the classroom for us all to be involved in. We will keep you up to date with how our garden is going. We hope to grow peas, beans, spinach, brussel sprouts and broccoli. Yummy vegetables !! Maybe we will be able to have a cooking day at the end to use some of the goodies we grow!!
Our COGs unit is about the early sea explorers of Australia. We will be researching 4 explorers to discover who was the most noted for discovering the Great Southern Land. Today we have begun using Master Slides in our Power point documents getting ready to present a major project revealing all that we have learnt in our research time in reading lessons.
The following day, we planted 135 seeds in the pots. We got the seeds from the Tankaday Challenge. Hopefully they will germinate in 21-28 days. But we don’t expect them all to grow. If we have enough we will be able to take some home or maybe sell at the Fete. Most of them will be planted in the school. We had lots of fun doing it and are keeping our fingers crossed for a good result! If they germinate, they will grow to about 5 metres high and will attract birds. This term we will be looking at seeds and the growth of plants. Already Mrs. Woolford has organised for us to grow a mini vegetable garden near the classroom for us all to be involved in. We will keep you up to date with how our garden is going. We hope to grow peas, beans, spinach, brussel sprouts and broccoli. Yummy vegetables !! Maybe we will be able to have a cooking day at the end to use some of the goodies we grow!!
Our COGs unit is about the early sea explorers of Australia. We will be researching 4 explorers to discover who was the most noted for discovering the Great Southern Land. Today we have begun using Master Slides in our Power point documents getting ready to present a major project revealing all that we have learnt in our research time in reading lessons.